Welcome to my brand new site! Thanks so much for visiting. I love you.
Title card of a whimiscal nature reading SAM WORLD.

Greetings stranger. Welcome to SAM WORLD, a sanctum for a variety of ODDITIES and WIGGLING FREAKS. We've been around for quite some time, but only recently has a portal opened and connected us to the WONDERING WIDE WEB upon which we have formed this connection.

Please take your time exploring all the various pages which have been crafted by our GLORIOUS WEBMASTER. Their design may be simple but rest assured that WHIMSY LURKS BENEATH every single page. Please take your time exploring, just, uh... Be careful not to fall through the cracks.

Thank you for visiting and we hope that you ENJOY YOUR STAY.


A photo of Finn Adventure Time and Goku Dragon Ball Sharing a Cold One.