About the Webmaster
Oh, no. Is this one of those "About Me" thingies? It is. Drat.
I always struggle to figure out what to put into these. What info can show you the vision of myself that I have in my head? How will the words I choose translate when faced with YOUR unique perspective shaped by years of an entirely different context? How will I feel about the handful of traits and identifiers I select five years from now? What about ten? What will make me look like a total freakshow?
Okay. I've got it all figured out. You go ahead and read all this--BUT REMEMBER! You might think you know what I mean by something, you might feel that you can relate to me and my experiences. Just know that you're PLUM SQUAT WRONG!! I'm distinct from my peers, dammit!!!!! I'M NOT KNOWN!!!! I'M--

OK, good, you're still here. Sorry about all of that. Lets try this again. Ahem.. Howdy, folks! I'm the webmaster here. Some call me SAM WIDGE, but others may know me as TULIP or even "THE MARVELOUS CATFACE".
I'm in my mid 20's. How far? Well, erm... Right at the point where I stop telling people my age often enough to quite remember. I use they or he pronouns and identify as WHATEVER YOU THINK I AM. I work as a MEAT SLICER at a GROCERY STORE DELI and have a lot of opinions about it.
I've been slowly learning to code for a number of years now, though it was just recently that I formally made the venture into carving out my own spot in THESE ESTEEMED SERVERS. I'm currently in the process of making several text adventure games which you can check out using the links above. When I'm not working on those I'm usually writing about or drawing some of my other characters. Statistically, it's probably Sarah. Sorry everyone else I've ever created.
When I'm not online or at work, most of my free time is spent with my partner of 6 years Bug (A.K.A. Pg). They don't have much of an online presence, but I work with them on pretty much anything I make.
Here's some of my OTHER INTERESTS. I don't partake in them as much as I'd like, but they still rattle around in my head even when it's been a couple of years.
- Music
- Sounds
- Smells
- Darkness and/or shadow
- Sensations
- Noises
- Aftertastes in mouth
- Spinal aches and/or pains

Oooh, some of these are "cringe" now. Try not to use this moment of vunerability against me. I'm really trusting you here!

In order of descending scale; Real life, Planet Earth, [Insert IP Address here], My personal website.

Yeah, sorry about that. As mentioned before I struggle with describing myself. If you want to know more about me feel free to browse my various pages. There aren't many up yet, but I plan to make some reccomendation pages later.

While I'm continuing to learn more HTML pretty much anytime I sit down and work on this site, the truth remains that most of the code that holds this site together is an imitation of and/or outright copy of a portion of another site. With that in mind, feel free to swipe anything that isn't a personal graphic.